8 Things You Can’t Miss in Bologna, Italy


First of all, I truly believe that Bologna is Emilia-Romagna’s hidden gem. I decided to visit this beautiful city for 3 days and I didn’t regret it at all. BOLOGNA – A QUICK GLIMPSE  Why have a quick glimpse of Bologna? Well, I believe that the most common reason for not enjoying a holiday is due to expectations: people sometimes have … Read more

10 things to do in Verona, Italy

When you hear the name “Verona” one thing comes immediately to your mind: the city where it took place the most famous story of all times, the one with Romeo and Juliet. Even though some people think that Shakespeare never actually visited Verona, there are so many things to see in Verona, this Italian city that … Read more

A weekend in Trieste: top things to do

Trieste canal

Trieste is one of the destinations that had been on my bucket list for a long time, and after visiting twice, I can confidently say it’s a city full of charm and history. My first trip to Trieste was such a special experience that I decided to return in 2022. Both times, I spent an … Read more